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Town of Mukwa | |||||||||||||||||||||||
E8514 Weyauwega Road New London, WI 54961 (920)982-9890 |
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![]() TOWN OF MUKWA E8514 Weyauwega Rd., Northport Phone/Fax 982-9890 Monthly Board Meetings held the Second Tuesday of each month at 6:00p.m. - Mukwa Town Hall.
Phone/Fax 920 982-9890
PUBLIC HEARING – Approve Amendment to Town Comprehensive Plan December 14, 2021 – 6:00 p.m.
Plan Commission Chair calls meeting to orders. Pledge of Allegiance It is understood that in Accordance with Town of Mukwa Ordinance 10-05, this Meeting will adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order. Notification of this Meeting was Published as a Legal Notice in the New London Press Star on November 11, 2021 and the Final Agenda was posted in the three designated places on December 10, 2021.
Roll call of Town & Plan Commission Members.
1. Plan Commission Chair Read Public Hearing Notice as Published:
The Town of Mukwa will hold a Public Hearing to consider approval of an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, & changes to the Preferred Land Use Map. The purpose of the amendment & map change is to change the land use designation of two (2) parcels - #1 from Residential & #2 from Agriculture both to “Industrial” to allow for expansion of current business (Waste Disposal & Recycling) at E8257 State Highway 54, New London. The Town Board will meet & hold a Public Hearing to consider this amendment at a Town Board Meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Mukwa Town Hall – E8514 Weyauwega Road, Northport. Copies of the plan or amendment are available for inspection prior to the hearing by contacting Ryan Brown, Waupaca County Planning & Zoning Director, at 715-258-6258 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.). Written comments will also be accepted at the Mukwa Town Hall until 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 14th which is the start of the Public Hearing. If you have any questions, please contact Plan Commission Chair, Lee Shaw at 982-9800.
2. Question & Answer
3. Public Comment
4. Motion to Adjourn the Public Hearing
Chairperson calls meeting to order. It is understood, that in Accordance with Town of Mukwa Ordinance 10-05, this Meeting will Adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order. Notification of this Meeting was given to the Press on December 2, 2021 and the Final Agenda was posted in the three designated places on December 10, 2021.
1. Approve & Adopt: 2022 Budget Pursuant to Section 60.40(4) of Wisconsin Statutes
2. Approve: (a)November 9, 2021 Public Budget Hearing & Special Town Meeting of the Electors Minutes; (b)November 9, 2021 Monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes
3. Treasurer: Approve Monthly Treasurer’s Report – November 4. Budget/Vouchers: Approval and Payments of Monthly Vouchers 28558 through 28593, dated November 10, 2021 through December 14, 2021, & Direct Withdrawals of Social Security, Medicare, & Federal Tax of $994.12 & the November 18th We Energies Invoice of $289.50; for a total of $174,656.05.
Showing of Hands for Public Forum – Keep Subject and Question Brief. 5. Town of Mukwa Residents – Five Minute Public Forum
6. Animal Control Officer/s: (a)Animal Report Forms; (b)Citation Letter/s Issued in Past Month; (c)Approve/Sign 2022 Wolf River Veterinary Clinic Stray Animal Boarding Contract
7. Building Inspector: Monthly Report
8. Recycling Contract - Review & Approve Graichen/GFL Proposed Contract
9. Operator License Approvals – Guth’s Resort dba Zero’s Pub & Grub: Lindsey Kutchenriter
10. Elections: (a)2022-2023 Election Worker Approvals: Helen Scheid, Alice Behnke, Randy Behnke, Kathy Brehm, Marshall Zielinski, Ann Drzewiecki, Paul Drzewiecki, Chris Neumann, Gary Neumann, Theresa Bloch, Tim Bruette, Craig George, Jennifer George, Marcus Schultz, Don De Zurik, Mary Jean De Zurik, Dave Hutchison, Michele Hutchison, Ann Krautkramer, Scott Krautkramer, Ron Heise, Linda Peterson, Pete Zagzebski, Peg Zagzebski ; (b)Approve & Adopt Ordinance 3-2021 – Establishing Split Shifts for Election Officials
11. Plan Commission: (a)Follow-up to Public Hearing: (1)Approve & Adopt Ordinance 2-2021 – Adopting an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Mukwa; (b)Follow-up to November 17th Meeting; Riehl Project – Plan Commission Recommendation Discussion/To be Added to the January 11, 2022 Monthly Town Board Meeting Agenda; (c)Next Meeting – TBD @ 6:00 p.m.
12. Roads: (a)Monthly Report; (b)Equipment-Report/Repairs/Purchases Needed; (c)Fahrner’s – Follow-up; (d)Broadway Street Weight Limit; (e)2022 Construction Proposed Construction Projects – Discussion/Culvert Replacements; (f)Hire Road Maintenance Personnel: Jeffrey Shaw; Mike Westemeier; Jim Curns & Jared Manske
13. Waupaca County Zoning & Other Meetings: Attended: Upcoming:
14. Correspondence Received:
15. Motion to Adjourn. /s/Jeannette Zielinski, Municipal Clerk
Publish: December 9, 2021 Press Star – Legal Notice Final Agenda Posted/Town Website: December 10, 2021
NOTICE: Town of Mukwa Raft Owners REMINDER: Raft Removal by October 31st
Per Town of Mukwa Ordinance 3-00 – Regulation of Fishing Rafts & Floating Piers (Docks) on the Wolf River: Section 3.1, Number 6 – Rafts must be removed from the river & placed above (landward) of the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) by October 31st of each year. If you have any questions, please contact Chairman, Jim Curns at 982-2168 or, Clerk, Jeannette Zielinski at clerk@mukwa.us or 982-9890. /s/Jeannette Zielinski, Municipal Clerk Town of Mukwa
Posted: October 9, 2021 Publish: Buyer’s Guide – October 21st Press – Legal – October 28th
Winter Road Maintenance PolicyAdopted October 21, 1996
Table of Contents
Introduction Liability to Clear Roads Emergency Calls Non-Authorized Use Icy and Slick Surfaces Road Priorities Circumstances or Exceptions to this Policy Snow and Ice Left in the Road by Homeowners, etc. Where to Call for more Information or Complain Mailbox Policy Employee Requirements
Introduction: Town of Mukwa roads are subject to a wide variety of adverse conditions. Freezing rain, ice, snow and drifting snow along with combinations of these factors are common. Normal winter storms can be expected between November and April. The responsibility for keeping the towns approximately 43 miles of roads passable in winter belongs to the Town Board.
The following policy and plan has been adopted by the Mukwa Town Board dated 10-21-96.
Liability to Clear Roads: Section 81.15 of the Wisconsin State Statutes states, “No action may be maintained to recover damages for injuries sustained by reason of an accumulation of snow or ice upon any bridge or highway, unless the accumulation has existed for three weeks.”
Our goal is to maintain the roads in the Town of Mukwa to a higher standard than state statutes require. We strive but do not guarantee to provide passable roads in a reasonable amount of time as weather, equipment, and budgets allow.
Each storm event is often different in total accumulation, temperature, winds, prior conditions, moisture content, time of day, variation in local accumulations, and accuracy of forecast. This policy must be flexible enough to deal with unique aspects of each storm event. The amount of snow accumulation and time of day at which the storm occurs has a significant effect. High winds may cause roads to quickly fill in again with drifted snow despite efforts taken to make roads passable.
We utilize area forecasts from radio or TV. Combinations of input from our Board members or acting road supervisor, snowplow operators, other municipalities and local constituents may be used to learn of impending or actual road conditions.
Emergency Calls: During snow and ice control periods the town’s crew will respond to emergency conditions to the extent practical. The Town may, but is not required to respond to unverified emergency requests direct from the public. The request normally comes from the appropriate emergency agency (i.e. fire, police, ambulance.)
Non-Authorized Uses: Road crew will not plow or salt/sand roads or drives on private property. Will not be allowed to tow or push stuck or stalled vehicles, and not be allowed to plow for hire, without authorization from the Town Board. The Town Board will not take any responsibility for removal of snow, ice, or accumulation that is plowed or otherwise placed in driveways or private entrances.
Icy and Slick Surfaces: Due to lack of storage facilities, the Town will contract with outside suppliers, to purchase on an as needed basis, sand, salt and any other required material needed to improve the roads’ condition. We are therefore subject to availability or shortages. Salt, sand or combinations will commonly be used in some areas where extra traction is desired. Other materials may be used on an experimental basis. Some conditions are best improved through natural weather changes and additional material may not be applied as a large accumulation can actually slow deicing.
Road Priority: All the Town’s roads will be mapped and ranked for priority. Operators will be provided this map. The sequence will commence as follows.
First priority roads will include the Towns most frequently traveled roads such as Bean City, most of Manske, Jennings, Dey, Broadway, Tank, Larry, and others. Town snow plow operators will be instructed to plow accumulations of two (2) inches of snow or more and keep these first priority roads in the best condition of the three priorities.
Second priority roads will be roads connecting large numbers of people to the towns’ first priority or county roads or state highways. Examples of these roads include Lyons, Klatt, Huntley, and others.
Third priority roads are the least traveled (something has to be last) and will not always be maintained to the same standard as first and second priority roads. Examples of these roads will be Gorges, Markman, Pine Ridge, Sun Ray, and others. Amounts less than two (2) inches are difficult to effectively remove with plows and may be left. In extreme conditions or times of equipment breakdown the Town may have to hire outside municipalities or contractors to assist in operations.
Circumstances or Exceptions to this Policy: Some limiting circumstances and exceptions to this policy will exist from time-to-time. Some examples include but are not limited to the following. Equipment breakdown or unavailability. Spring thaw load limits or otherwise soft road conditions. Qualified operators unavailable or delayed. Fuel unavailability due to power outages. The Town Board or acting member(s) may suspend operations of road maintenance for the purpose of safety to the equipment operators due to poor visibility, blowing snow or other hazards. Operation would resume when practical and cost effective conditions resume.
Snow and Ice Left in the Road by Homeowners, etc.: It is illegal to plow a driveway, sidewalk, alley parking area, or other area and deposit any snow back into the roadway. Owners are liable for fines and damages.
Where to Call for Information and Complaints: Comments, compliments (we like those) or complaints should be addressed to Board members. Legitimate complaints will be investigated and discussed as needed by the Board members to improve the winter maintenance program, where practical.
Complaints addressed to spouses or children of Board members will be given consideration if conveyed in a respectable and accountable manner. No spouse, child or grandchild will ever be expected to deal with rude, belligerent, or offensive behavior.
Complaints involving individual operators must be submitted to the Town Clerk in writing with full address and phone number(s) and signed by the accusing party. These will be dealt within person at the scheduled monthly meetings. All people involved must have the opportunity to be present at that time.
Mail Boxes – That Perpetual Target for Snow Plows: Operators are instructed to be very cautious near mailboxes. In most cases, a properly installed mailbox will permit a snowplow wing to clear snow very close to the box. Most cases of damaged mailboxes are caused by heavy snow hitting the box. The mailboxes are not usually hit by the plow or wing itself. The Town will repair or replace a mailbox, if it was properly installed, was hit by us, and we noticed or were notified. The repair will not take place until as soon as practical after the plowing and salting/sanding is complete. This will be done to the best of our ability and circumstance. You may wish to do the repair yourself. A standard issue mailbox will be used as a replacement. Ornate or elaborate mailbox systems cannot be replaced by us. No part of any mailbox should reach closer than three and one-half (3 ½”) feet from the edge of the blacktop and the bottom of the mailbox 40 inches from the ground.
The Town assumes no responsibility for lost mail, inconvenience, or delay.
Employee Requirements: All employees of the Town will be required to follow the Town of Mukwa employee policy, a separate document, in addition to this policy.
The winter road maintenance policy shall be deemed to be enforced after its passage and approval. Approved by the Mukwa Town Board as of October 21, 1996.
/s/Gordy Freeman, Chairperson /s/Jim Curns, Supervisor #1 /s/Neil Freeman, Supervisor #2
DON’T FORGET TO LICENSE YOUR DOG **Please make out a separate check for your dog license fee along with proof of rabies vaccine & send with your tax check.
The owner of a dog more than 5 months of age on January 1st of any year or 5 months of age within the license year, shall annually, or on or before the dog becomes 5 months of age, pay the dog license tax and obtain a license. Dog licenses are due by April 1st of each year. After that date, there will be a late fee of $5.00 per dog, plus the cost of the license. THERE ARE NO FORMS TO FILL OUT BUT: Three things to remember: 1. Send or bring your rabies certificate. 2. $3.00 for spayed/neutered -- $8.00 if not. 3. A self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of the license (tag), and your rabies certificate. Mail/Drop Off: Treasurer, Brenda Grove, E8514 Weyauwega Road, New London, WI 54961
Posted: November 10, 2018
Publish: Legal with Box – December 20th & 27th
Boat launch fees are $5 per day or purchase an annual sticker which is $25 for in-county residents and $35 for out-of-county residents. The annual sticker goes on the inside of your vehicle windshield. Second stickers are $10. In order to get a second sticker for $10, BOTH VEHICLES must be registered to the same person or same address (copy of registrations are required). The County boat launch passes are good for Gills Landing and Shaws Landing on the Wolf River, Little Wolf Boat Launch on the Manawa Mill Pond, and Columbia, Taylor, Dake, Miner, and McCrossen Lakes on the Chain O'Lakes.
Jeannette Zielinski, Town of Mukwa Municipal Clerk has the County Boat Launch Stickers available during office hours. I am usually in the Town Hall Monday – Thursday in the evening (I also work at the New London Housing Authority) and on Friday. Feel free to email me: clerk@mukwa.us or leave me a message at 982-9890 to set-up a time to stop in.
Published: December 7, 2017 Press Star – Legal Notice Final Agenda Posted/Town Website: December 8, 2017 www.mukwa.us
************************************************************************************************************** Link to Waupaca County Website to look up your Tax History
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